Sunday, March 30, 2008

APA Class - Civic

Today I taught an APA class in civic. It was a reasonable class, with 13 participants, 5 of which were new. Our retention rates are slowly picking up. I hope to have a class with 40 participants in it, by the end of June. Hopefully the various promotions of parkour we're doing should help out with this.

Today we worked on the normal warm up of dynamic stretches, rolls and landings. We then taught balance, climb ups and wall runs. Did conditioning on the stair set outside the canberra theatre, then did the normal warm down of stretches.

Overall the class was good, but I hope to get more participants.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

5.10 Freerunner shoes

I've finally been able to properly test my new 5.10 Freerunner shoes.

First impressions are that they are extremely comfortable. The shoes completely supports the feet, having the heel pressing into the right areas so that it sin't uncomfortable. They are also reasonably flexible, straight out of the box.

During training, I found that the sole was not too thick, so that I could still feel the ground, reminding me to land correctly.

The rubber is extremely grippy, so grippy that I was able to do straight arm climb ups. This may be a downside though, as new people training parkour will not leaern the proper technique for climb ups. For those who do know though, it helps out a lot with getting that extra bit of push. Grips on rails is a bit slippery, but that can be expected for any shoes.

The cushioning in the shoe is not that thick, which allows for proper movement. You may want to look for insoles to get that extra bit of cushioning.

I found that when I was practicing bigger precisions, the top of my toes would rub against the inside of the shoe. This may wear off though as I break in the shoes more.

I regards to durability, that will have to be a test of time. A bit of rubber did come off the front tip of the shoe during training, but it was so insignificant that it was nothing to worry about.

A big thing with this shoe is that it is re-soleable. One thing I find when training is that the soles of my shoes tend to wear down quicker than the rest of my shoe. If this happens with these shoes, and I think that the rest of the shoe is still up for soem abuse, I'll just buy the re-sole kit.

In Canberra we've found that these shoes are awesome, a lot better than any other shoe we've used. For some reason it has given us a lot more confidence to try bigger movements,as we know that our shoes will support it. Some may disagree with this, but if it works. We've found that these shoes so good that we've made a 5.10 Freerunner handshake, which resembles closely to the Soulja Boy dance.

Overall, I think the new 5.10 Freerunner shoe is awesome and is definately worth buying. A shoe doesn't help you improve technique, it's the people training around you who do, just remember that.

Civic Training

Today I met up with a couple of boys in civic to do some training. I was planning on not doing any training over this long weekend, but I wanted to try out my new shoes before the filming for the ad, which might be in two weeks time. I've decided that I'm not going to do any training until the filming, just working on strengthening my knees, so that Im fresh for when it happens.

Well, for todays session, a lot was accomplished. We started at noise wall, looking at all the normal things. We even found a new cat pass to precision, that I was pretty close to getting.

From there we moved on to toast, doing a few different things, some that I hadn't tried, like big cat passes and precisions. My greatest accomplishment was a huge arm jump that I had been looking at for a while, but had never pushed myself to try. Im glad I did now. I only did it once, but it felt so good to do.

From there we moved on to customs. It was awesome to train at customs again and not get kicked out. We did a lot of new things, like tic tac to arm jumps, but from different directions and using different feet. We then moved down to the ramps at the front of customs, where I found a new cat pass to precision, and worked on my climb ups a bit. It was so good to be able to train there for as long as we wanted.

After that we did some rail work at the car lot underneath toast, but soon moved on to warm down and go our separate ways.

Overall the session was awesome. Lasting for about 3 hours, we accomplished a lot of new things and trained in new areas. I have to train at customs more often, but figure out times where I wont get kicked off in 3 minutes.

Friday, March 21, 2008


A few days I went to Holder gym, for my weekly gym training sessions. I didn't really do that much though, mainly talked with the guys about the ad that we're hopefully doing. I also got my new 5.10 Freerunner shoes.

Next day I met up with Connor to give him a 1 on 1 lesson in belco. I didn't do much, just taught him basic techniques. the session lasted for about 1.5 hours.

I've decided to slow down my training. I might start this after tomorrow, as I may go out to properly test my new shoes. I'll give a detailed explanation of how the shoes are afterwards. The reason I've decided to have this break, is so that I am fresh or the filming of the ad, and so that my body can recover from the past training that I have been doing. My knees have starting to ache a bit, like they used to back in the day. Im now working on knee strengthening exercises, weighted full length squats, so they can build up their strength again.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend with Rhys

On saturday Rhys came down to Canberra for a meeting about some possible parkour work in a tv show. After he was done we met up for some training. Starting at toast, then moving to customs and across the lake. The wasn't much training but a lot of talking. I learnt a lot from talking with Rhys, just like when I talked with Chippa. Rhys ended up staying in canberra overnight, then came to the class on the sunday. the class was pretty small (7 people) so we did some training with them. after the class we took rhys to the derro apartments.

Overall the weekend was good, there wasn't too much training, but a lot of talking with Rhys. It's been good to just catch up and strengthen the friendship. I've gotten to know him a bit better.

Rhys also gave me the idea of making our own Canberra Parkour forum. Something that can be more organised than what we have on pkaus. I talked to Eliot and we're going to work together on it. The Canberra APA instructors don't have any objections, so we're going to go ahead with it. If it takes off, then we'll build on it further.

Im still working on finishing my video, its just about working out availability with Eliot. There's also ideas of making a stunt sampler with conan and josh, and a new apa canberra instructors video, as we now have 8 instructors.

During may break im hoping to do a fair amount of travelling with my parkour. Go down to Melbourne for the first week then head to sydney for the second week. I talked to Chippa about melbourne and he said that he'd be definately up for it. Rhys is also up for sydney. If im able to get away, it should be a really good two weeks, with a lot of progression.

There are big things hopefully coming my way with parkour, so the future looks pretty interesting.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Gym + Solo Training

Last night I went to holder gym to do my regular training. Mainly worked on precisions and vaults. I also did my random pull ups that I started last week. I got out 20 pull ups in total. I finding that they are slowly getting better.

Tonight I went to FNC, to find that nobody turned up. So i went off and did some solo training, in a new style that i've been thinking of.

it was a repetitive session, working on refining technique. here's a brief description;

- 50 precisions (8 ft distance)
- 20 turn vaults (10 each side)
- 150m rail balance
- 25m cat balance on rail
- 18 pull ups (sets of 3)

i was truly exhausted by the end of the session. it was also good to train at customs again. im guessing that security leaves at about 7pm.

im thinking of making this type of training a regular thing, every tuesday night. what i did tonight took me about an hour. im thinking of doing this from 6 - 8pm every tuesday night. the sole prupose of the night will be to refine technique and parkour fitness/endurance. it will involve the movements mentioned about, as well as more movements, like cat passes, arm jumps and rolls. i plan on it being a really intense session, involving serious training and a proper attitude.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Civic Training + Chippa

Chippa and Alex were in Canberra today, on their way back from Bathurst where they were part of an extreme sports festival.

We hit up a few spots, and got to do some good training. I had a close call with a cash over two bins. My hand slipped out of the dash and I fell on my ass. Luckily one of my feet hit the ground first, reducing the impact.

What I got most out of the day was being able to talk with Chippa. About parkour, the APA and the military. He wasn't really training much, due to exhaustion from the festival, but just being able to talk to him was helpful.

He talked to me about developing more leadership skills within the instructors. So im going to start throwing the guys into the deep end, putting them in charge of different parts of the lesson. Starting with giving a technique each to a instructor, then conditioning to another, warm ups and warm downs to others. Just building on different things.

Chippa also gave me the idea of running instructor training days, maybe once a month. Where we spend the whole day drilling movements, teaching each other and providing advice afterwards. This will then develop our skills as instructors, as well as standardise how we teach techniques.

Overall it was good having Chippa down, mainly because I got to catch up with him and just talk about different things.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

APA Basics Class - Civic

We ha th first class for the year today. 15 people showed up, 8 of which had been before. i first thought that we spent too long on the warm up, but now i realise that everyone would have gotten pretty bored if we had spend longer on the techniques. overall it was a good session. everyone seemed to have a good time. we taught precisions and arm jumps for techniques, and everybody was exhausted after conditioning, which is what we aim for.

Chippa is in canberra tomorrow. i finally get to meet up with him, after trying for the since natjam. should be some good training and catching up.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Holder Gym

I went to holder gym last night. Started with underbars, then moved on to precisions and then vaults with a small amount of arm jumps. Every 10 minutes or so, I'd go and bust out 3 pull ups. My theory is that at gym and while out training, whenever there is a lull in activity, i should bust out 3 pull ups. Hopefully this will then build ups to sets of 5 and so on. My plan for this is to slowly improve my upper body strength, mainly in pulling strength. Last night I was able to get out about 18 pull ups in total. The got harder each time I did them, but I could already feel my body strengthening.

I also met a guy at the gym who does strength training in the last 15 minutes of each session. he invited me to join him. Im going to take him up on his offer, as it will be good conditioning training, and he seems to know what he's doing.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Erindale Gym + Civic

Last thursday i went to erindale gym instead of holder, to check it and meet up with some of the other guys there. Worked on a few different things. The one problem was that the session only went for an hour. Which is why I am going to stick with Holder gym, as the sessions go for 1.5 hours for the same cost. I also plan on training at holder gym on tuesdays as well as thursdays. I find that I get a lot out of gym sessions, as I am constantly training. This is why I going to start going twice a week.

Last sunday I met up with Travis in civic for some training. Ive just been hit with a cold, so its been affecting my performance. It was only a short session, hitting up toast then noise wall. Then we moved on to the stairs outside the Canberra Theatre for some conditioning. In the end I was pretty exhausted, especially thanks to my cold.

Im hoping to start a more regular weekly training program. Basketball on mondays and wednesdays. Holder gym parkour on tuesdays and thursdays. FNC on fridays. Then parkour training on saturdays and APA class on sundays, maybe with some training afterwards.

I'll have to fine tune the program a bit, to accomodate for rest and such.