Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Conditioning Program

I've been thinking that I need to condition more than I have been. And I have been getting pretty slack not going to FNC. So I've designed a new intense conditioning session that will motivate me to train and leave me exhausted at the end of each session.

- dynamic stretches

- up stairs 50% x2
- walk down stairs
- up stairs 100% x8

Quadrapedal Walking:
- down backwards
- up forwards
- down forwards
- up backwards
- pushup quadrapedal down forwards

Hops + Upper Body:
- two foot jumps up stairs (up 3 down 2)
- 20 situps at top of stairs
- crouched silent landings down stairs
- 20 pushups at bottom of stairs
- left foot hopping up stairs (up 3 down 2)
- 20 leg raises at top of stairs
- crouched silent landings down stairs
- 20 diamonds at bottom of stairs
- right foot hopping up stairs (up 3 down 2)
- 20 crunches at top of stairs
- crouched silent landings down stairs
- 20 double width pushups at bottom of stairs

Lower + Upper Body:
- 20 sit ups
- 20 push ups
- 20 leg raises
- 20 diamonds
- 20 crunches
- 20 wide push ups
- 20 squats
- 20 dips
- 20 lunges
- 5 pull ups
- 3 sets

Upper Body:
- wheelbarrow walking up stairs
- walk down stairs
- wheelbarrow pushups up stairs
- walk down stairs

- static stretches

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