Thursday, June 26, 2008

EPIC Civic Training

Tonight was a night of EPIC TRAINING.

I made so much progression, SO MUCH!

Met Conan, ruoF and Ruz at noise wall. We chatted for a bit then made our way to toast. In toast was where the magic began.

Did a small warmup of dynamic stretches, then got into. Started with a few small precisions. Then played around with Rhys' arm jump. Ruz and I were sizing it up for a while, doing a few practice jumps, but neither of us could make ourselves actually commit to the jump. I hope to get it before NatSoc.

Eliot then arrived at toast.

From there we did a few precisions. I finally got that ground level precision that has been bugging me for so long. The one that I could just reach, but could never commit to. I was able to land on it, sticking it half the time. But at least I'm making the distance, if only just.

From there we started doing precision onto the stair set. This then escalated to massive running precisions onto the stair. They're actually pretty big.

After we got too exhausted with them, we decided to move on to more stuff. I showed Ruz my cat pass over a chest high block, that has a big clear to a ledge. Played around with that a bit.

Then the EPICness really began.

Conan was saying that the ground level precision was about the same distance as the precisions off the rail to the tree planter or other hexagon. So i hopped up on the rail and tried them out. Started out with jumping to the side, checking that I could make the distance and height. To my surprise, I could! So I did them. Both the precision to the hexagon (5 times), and the precision to the tree planter (3 times). I could do them with ease, it was as if the drop didn't affect me at all. It was so good!

From there we moved down to customs. Played around with the tic tac arms. Ruz was remarking about how back in the day it used to be so hard for us to do, and now we were getting it with ease. It really shows how far we have progressed over time.

After we got bored with customs, we made our way to DEWR, for the massive arm jump.

Once at DEWR, we sized up the jump. Josh had actually gotten it earlier that afternoon! It's so big! Ruz looked at it first, but it just tripped him out too much.

So then I stood up to the plate. i got Ruz and Conan to spot me at the bottom of the wall. I know that they wouldn't really be able to do much, but it was still a reassurance to have them there. After psyching myself up for a few minutes, I went for it. I actually fully committed to the jump! I didn't make it though. I hit with my hands, then my feet hit the wall but slipped completely down it. i banged my chest pretty hard into the wall, and fell down. It wasn't a hard fall, just a big smack into the wall.

After seeing me actually try it, commit to it, Ruz found the mental to give it a try. And he made it! He did the classic Shaun Wood thing, tearing his shirt off to psych himself up, then he did it. It properly made it. It's so big! Then he did it again, and again, and again. Four times in total.

Larkin then showed up.

From there Ruz found a good cat to arm, across the ramp. He got it after a few attempts. I gave it a try, got really close, but wasn't able to fully commit. Mainly banging my foot into the wall. It seems like a bit of a hard landing.

After DEWR we all split off. I went and got some dinner with Conan, then left him to catch a bus home.

Overall it was an awesome session. Only lasting a few hours, yet really intense. It's feels so good to be able to do the big stuff, and come out fine. I was doing things that I had never done before, some that I was not capable of doing before. It really shows how far I have progressed. And these are definately the results of training everyday.

Earlier that afternoon, Harley gave me a call. He's in Canberra. I can't wait to get out and train with him. I don't think he's actually properly trained in Canberra, even though he went to school here. Hopefully he comes to FNC.


ruoF said...

Man, I must've failed so bad to not warrant a mention. That was such an EPIC training sesh. My hammies are killing me!

Cimp said...

You did get a mention. In the beginning, where I said who I was training with.