Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Strenght Training


At basketball training, ended up doing a total of 120 pushups and 80 situps over a 45 minute period, as punishments during drills.


Went down to the boxing room at the gym again. Went through the same exercises program as before.

50 Sitting Dips
50 Reverse Push Ups
50 Bar Dips
50 Pull Up Negatives
100 Squats
100 Situps

Split into 5 sets.

I increased the amount of squats and situps to double what I was doing previously. I found that this worked me a bit more, but I think I may have extra room. I added the situps to the program, to add a little bit of core training, and the squats to strengthen my knees, as they are something that I am always wary of when training.

I plan on increasing the sitting dips and reverse push ups to 20 per set, as well as further increasing the squats and situps to 30 per set.

I don't plan on doing much training in the next few days, as I am going to be in sydney this weekend, training just as hard as last time I was there. I want to save up my energy for it.

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