Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Civic Training

Did some training in civic with ruoF, the other day.

I found it really hard to get into the mood, to get ewxcited about the training. I started to get excited when I started doing this random hand stand poses, coming in from a cart-wheel.

We trained for about 1 to 2 hours, only hitting up toast and noise wall. I come to realise how much you can actualyl do at noise wall, and appreciate it more than i used to.

I've recently come down with a cold, which will most likely hinder my training. And I've just started my holidays! I'll test out how much it affects my training potential tomorrow, with some indoor strength training.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Past Training

Last thursday went to Holder gym. It was good to get back there. The session didn't really have any focus, we just played around with different things. One achievement was getting front saults on the tramp. I've never done them before, and it has started to help me get confidence in my front sault rotation technique.

Yesterday we trained at castle for a few hours. Played around with different movements. I have two big cat to precisions that I plan on building up to, when my confidence and skill have gotten back up to where they used to be.

On the way out, we found a really good rock area surrounding a river. There are some really good precisions there, and one cat to precision over the river (another thing to work up to). There was one standing precision that tested me mentally, but I was able to do it!

From there we went to family court, where I only stayed for about 15 minutes before I headed home.

Overall my training has definately been picking up, and I'm feeling great about it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Civic Training

Trained in civic yesterday.

It was just a light session, as for some reason I just wasn't in the mood.

I had a few mental challenges, such as the precision at the curvy walls near the old bus depot. At first i wasn't able to do it, but then I thought to myself "just do it, you've done it before so you can do it again" ... so i did.

Overall it was a good light session.