Thursday, August 28, 2008

APA Class - Belconnen

Had class last sunday.

It was the third lesson, so I ran a TAC, as it was my turn to be organiser.

Took the students through a warmup. Got them doing handstands too. I find that it really helps as a final warmup, as well as working out DOMS from previous training. My handstands have gotten a lot better as well. I did the best one I've ever done on sunday too, held it for around 20 seconds.

After the warmup, I took the group up to the library. Just played around there for a bit. I did some more shirtless concrete rolls. They're so good, and have really shown how far I've progressed with my rolls. My left side was also a lot better than when I tried them in sydney. I'm thinking of giving a go of the 50. I consider this to be the test for the quality of basic rolls, if you can do them 50 times in a row, shirtless, on concrete.

From there we made our way to Derro. The guys had talen the class there before, and said it was fine. So I decided to take the class there. Started off at the ramps. It wasn't too bad, until we had water bombs thrown at us from an apartment window, then some thuggish looking guys started hanging around watching us. I moved the class on to the playground, but the suss looking guys followed us. We didn't stay there long.

So we went back to Margaret Timpson park to warmdown, adn that brought us to the end of the lesson.

Eliot ran the First Timers class too. It was the first one. I keen for it to be a regular thing, and will probably take it with Eliot at this coming class.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday Night Training

So it's beena while since I last trained, so I decided to not go ahead with the proper FNC, but just get out and do some basic training. Just a bit of play.

The plan was to meet at the national library. When I arrived, I met a new guy, Andy, who ruoF and invited to come along to a session. Andy had actually worked with Rhys and Shaun on the tv pilot that was done in Canberra.

Eventually ruoF showed up. Then we met John and his friend.

Played around at the blocks for a bit. Actually had some pretty stupid bails. I went for a palm spin, pulled out, but my leg caught on the back of the block. Banged up my shin pretty nice. John also had a few cat pass bails.

The main factor for the bails was because it was really dark, and we hadn't trained in a while.

Practiced a couple of handstands too. My handstands have gottne a lot better. I have more control with them, as well as more power to get up into them.

From there we made our way the hall of justice. The wall run there, that I used to think was massive, actually isn't that big anymore. It just comes to show how much I have progressed in the past year, as I haven't been there for a while. From there we moved to the top of the stairs, where we played around for a bit. I ended up helping out everyone with their climbups, even given a bit of advice to ruoF. I've found that my climbups have really improved. It may be because of the strength training that I have been doing. Its given me more power to apply to my climbups. I even got some short strength conditioning done. Reverse quadrapedal up a huge stair set. The set was that long, it was the actual size of each individual stair that made it intense.

Then the session slowly came to a close. It was good to get back into trainig. I plan on getting back into a proper rhythm, as I lost it over the last few weeks.

I also bought a pair of Dunlop Volleys today. I want to give them a try, see what all the comotion in sydney is about. We'll have to see how they fair in training.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Strength Training

Haven't done much in the last week. To be truthful, I've been pretty slack.

But now I'm back into it, to get back into a steady routine.

Went down to the gym and did the following;

80 Sitting Dips
80 Reverse Push Ups
40 Bar Dips
40 Pull Up Negatives
120 Squats
120 Situps

A friend helped me in correcting my technique for the reveres push ups, as I was doing them too fast and bouncing through them, reducing how much I worked my muscles.

It was a good session.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sydney Trip 2 - Day 2

Sunday was Day 2 of my sydney trip.

Eliot and I made our way to town hall. While we were waiting, we got confronted by some pretty drunk carzy guy. I could barely understand what he said, he just kept on rambling at us. Not in an attack, but just rambling about life in general. It was pretty funny.

Antek and Sammy soon arrived. BoD arriving soon after.

We made our way to Circular Quey. There we worked on a short class type structure, planning on what would be taught at the class. This included rail precisions, balance and concrete rolls. I really need to work on my rail precisions. They're the one thing that still freak me out every time. The one thing that I don't have down pat at a basic level even. The rolls were intense. We turned in into a challenge, of shirtless concrete rolls. This was a real test. I found that the rolls on my right shoulder were pretty good. I didn't feel any hard impacts anywhere, just scratches from the concrete. The rolls on my left shoulder though, werre another matter. I wasn't committing to them properly, so I came out badly from each one.

From there we started to make our way to pyrmont for the class. It started to rain on the way, but this soon cleared up. On the way we passed the Start City wharfed jump. Even though it is a lot smaller than the pyrmont wharf jump, I found it a lot harder. This was because the wharf was constantly swaying with the swell, which made it difficult to jump out, even balance on. In the end, myself and Eliot got it. it was a real achievement for Eliot, as he had looked at it numerous times before, but hadn't be able to do it.

So we finally made it to pyrmont. Eliot and I ended up going down to the wharf jump. The rain had dried up a bit, so it looked pretty good to do. I jumped first. The Eliot was able to psych himself up to get it. Another achievement for him. We jumped back to the land, then Eliot me doing the various wharf jumps.

From there we went up to the class, that had turned into a free time class, as it was pretty small. The class had moved up to the top of pyrmont. We played around in the tree a bit.

I then brought up the idea to Eliot about going to Ian Thorpe, as there wasn't much happening at the class, with no instruction happening.

So we said our goodbyes to some of the guys, then headed off to Ian Thorpe.

When we arrived there, we got a surprise of a new coffee shop that had opened on the corner there. It was their opening day, and were making free coffee and hot chocolates. Eliot and I made sure to make use of this offer.

Then we started training around the stairs. I started looking at things I could film. Originally looking at the arm jump at the lower stair set, I realised that I might be able to do the cat to arm. After a few attempts at working up to it, I got it! Adding a few arm to arms and a precision, we got some more footage for my video. With the boost of adrenaline that I had gotten from it, I went up to the higher stair set and did the bigger cat to arm. Man it felt good!

With the huge amount fo adrenaline pumping through, Eliot and I made our way to Harbour Side to meet some of the guys for dinner before we headed off. On the way I filmed the block dash, that I had done at NatJam '06. It was a lot easier this time, which shows how far I have progressed in skill in the last two years.

So we had some dinner with the guys, bought 17 cones, then got on the bus back to Canberra.

It was a really great trip. Less intense than my last trip to sydney, but still really enjoyable. I like training in sydney, as I'm training in new spots with new people. It has allows me to really test my progression.

A couple of the sydney guys plan on coming down to Canberra in a couple of weeks. Should be a good weekend. It will be interesting to see what they think of Canberra, and how they perform in our area.

Last night Samurai and I did the final filming for the Canberra Tourism commercial. All it involved was us running past the window a couple of times. Afterwards we had a drink with Che, and talked about how everything is going. He said that everything is nearly done. That they would be showing the ACT Minister and Canberra Tourism a couple of bits from the commercial. He also said that he'd give us a copy of all the footage. I'll be able to use some in my video! NatSoc also came up in conversation. Che had an idea of making a DVD of the event. This would be really good, as it will definately be something new in regards t0 the past NatJams.

So that sums up the last few days. I've been doing a lot of resting after sydney, as I'm pretty tired. I don't plan on doing much training over the next few days. Probably just go to FNC and then class, maybe pre class training. Next week I'll get back into the full swing of things.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sydney Trip 2 - Day 1

It's been three weeks since I was last in sydney, and I'm back again. I was originally coming for the Chris Rock show, which was awesome! but I decided to stay in sydney for the weekend and train, seeing as I would already be up here.

So today was the first day. I met up with Eliot after his bus arrived in sydney, then we made our way to town hall.

Arriving at about 11, we soon met up with Sammy and Antek. we then made our way down to Darling harbour where we met up with BoD.

We warmed up around the pond for a while. I made sure to go through a long and proper warmup. Playing around there for a bit, I got the cat pass to precision over the blue water. One that I thought was huge, but really wasn't that big.

From there we made our way around to the big ramp. The one with the cat pass to precision, and the cat pass to arm. We soon got booted by security from there though.

So we moved on to Chinese Gardens, which is actually a really good spot. We started around the entrance, with some good precision work, but soon got booted by security. So we just moved to the side of Chinese Gardens, away from the entrance, which ended up being fine. We found some really good precision, from tree planters only a few centimetres off the ground. the amoutn fo work that we did there was awesome, in that it just kept developing. We found work that could be done in the trees there, as well as variations of precisions.

From there we had lunch at EATING WORLD!! Then moved on to the carpark rails. Did a bit of playing around with different things.

From there we moved on to Glebe, but stopped at a park for a bit, playing around on the different equipment. Just messing around with different bar spins and things.

Then we finally made it to Glebe. Starting training, while we waited for Sino. I got out the camera, to film a bit of stuff. We soon got rudely kicked out by one of the drunk residents of the apartmernt complex, saying that it was private property. We left, but then we came back with Sino, as he didn't care what anyone said. We then moved on to some mroe spots, to play around on different things. I went to the wallrun, played around with the shorter end of it, then ended up doing the bigger end. Looking at the footage, I realsied how big it really was. More than twice my height!

From there we moved around to another spot and just played around for a bit.

Then we went to the park, did a bit of stuff, but mainly warmed down. Chated a bit, then people started to go their won ways.

Eliot, Sammy and myself then went off to grab some dinner from the foodcourt in the shopping centre in Glebe, then grabbed some Cold Rock on the way back to central.

During that time, we got to talk a lot wioth Sammy. talking about everything from classes to parkour in general. I love just sitting down and talking with other people about parkour and related topics. That's where i find I learn the most.

I plan on doing a lot fo filming tomorrow. Sutff that i can take back and add to my video. Will have to see what happens.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Strenght Training


At basketball training, ended up doing a total of 120 pushups and 80 situps over a 45 minute period, as punishments during drills.


Went down to the boxing room at the gym again. Went through the same exercises program as before.

50 Sitting Dips
50 Reverse Push Ups
50 Bar Dips
50 Pull Up Negatives
100 Squats
100 Situps

Split into 5 sets.

I increased the amount of squats and situps to double what I was doing previously. I found that this worked me a bit more, but I think I may have extra room. I added the situps to the program, to add a little bit of core training, and the squats to strengthen my knees, as they are something that I am always wary of when training.

I plan on increasing the sitting dips and reverse push ups to 20 per set, as well as further increasing the squats and situps to 30 per set.

I don't plan on doing much training in the next few days, as I am going to be in sydney this weekend, training just as hard as last time I was there. I want to save up my energy for it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Today we had class in civic.

It was a new type of class that we've been thinking of incorporating. A Technical Applicaiton Class (TAC). The point of it is to get students training without the direction of the instructors. Get them into the mindset of training outside of classes. That they don't need the classes to train.

So we strated the class in Glebe park. Went througha bit of a warm up of dynamic stretches.

Then we moved to noise wall, where we played around for a bit. I just messed around with different things, balanced the garden rail, did some precisions, some standing cat passes over the rail, and got a really big cat pass over the wall.

From there we moved to toast. I just played around with differnt things there as well. Found some new big precisions, did some running precisions over water and practiced moving in general. We got the group playing parkour tag and fololw the leader. I also got my head around some high speed vaults and cat passes. The speed vaults felt really good, as you had a lot of air time before actually using your hand to get over the rail. It was all about committment.

While we were at toast, Eliot and I went down to customs to film my run. We got there, knowing that we only had a fwe minutes, so we got straight into it. I jumped down to my starting spot, then began the run. Going through it, i focussed my concentration on what movement was directly in front of me, making myself forget about what I would have to be doing after it, just focussing on the first bit. Concentrating the whole time. I'm glad to say i got through the whole run, getting it in the first go. rom there we went straight into the tic tac to arm, that i was also wanting to do. Eliot jumped down to the spot, and we filmed it. I made sure to get it first go. Then we left, just before security arrived! While we were walking away, Eliot looked behind us, to see the security guard arrive, smile and wave, then walk away. The customs scurity guys are awesome! It's like a game we play with them :)

After toast, we made our way back to Glebe park, to warm down.

Overall the class was good, the majority of students made an effort to train. We could have done more to make them train the whole time, but it was really up to them. I think that having smaller groups might be a bit better, as the students will then be more inclined to train the whole time.

Before class, I had lunch with my family at the Botanical Gardens cafe. While I was there, I noticed a young boy. He was probably around 4 years old. What caught my attention, was that he was climbing on a rail, like all normal kids do. It was a two bar rail, so he had his hands on the top bar, and his foot on the lower bar. It was shuffling along it, making sure to watch where he was putting his feet, and going through it carefully and slowly. You could see how he was concentrating on what he was doing.

People have said that when we train, we're just doing what we used to do as kids. Moving around in our environment. That is what I witnessed today. Sure, what we doing is done at a much bigger degree than kids can do, but that idea of moving freely is still there.

As you grow up, you forget about the things that used to be fun. You start looking to other mean, that can sometimes be drugs and alcohol. This shouldn't be the case. You will always find new things that keep you entertained, things that you weren't able to do as a kid, but you should always remember the things that used to be fun, things that you loed doing as a kid.

Parkour has done this for me. My parents used to say that when I was young, I couldn't stay still. I would run around, climb on things, always fidgeting. I just couldn't stop moving. Then i went into a phase of playing computer games and watching TV all the time, being real serious. Since I started parkour, I've found that I barely watch TV or play computer games anymore. I'd rather go out and train, have fun. I've gone back to how I used to be as a kid, always moving and spending time outside.

It good to go back to the things that used to make you happy as a kid, that's where the real fun is.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Last night I went to Holder gym, for the first time in months.

I spend most of the time just mucking around, playing with different movements, without any real focus or direction. I didn't stick to doing any one thing for too long, but spent a short amount of time doing lots of different things.

Tried some front saults. I've found that I need to practice committing to them. Did some cat passes, including some really BIG double cat passes.

It was a fun session in the end, just playing around.

Tonight I went down to the boxing room at my work gym. The plan was to do some muscle up training, as it was too cold and wet to run FNC.

So here's what I ended up doing.

50 Sitting Dips
50 Reverse Push Ups
50 Parallel Bar Dips
50 Pull Up Negatives
50 Squats
50 Sit Ups

This was all split into 5 sets of 10 of each exercise.

Overall it took me 1.5 hours to do, including warming up and down. it was a lot more enjoyable than going to the outdoor training area that I had previously been going to, as it was warmer and there's a CD player, that I brought a Cimp Style mix to play on.

I really enjoyed the session, and plan on making it a regular thing for thursday nights.