Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday Night Training

So it's beena while since I last trained, so I decided to not go ahead with the proper FNC, but just get out and do some basic training. Just a bit of play.

The plan was to meet at the national library. When I arrived, I met a new guy, Andy, who ruoF and invited to come along to a session. Andy had actually worked with Rhys and Shaun on the tv pilot that was done in Canberra.

Eventually ruoF showed up. Then we met John and his friend.

Played around at the blocks for a bit. Actually had some pretty stupid bails. I went for a palm spin, pulled out, but my leg caught on the back of the block. Banged up my shin pretty nice. John also had a few cat pass bails.

The main factor for the bails was because it was really dark, and we hadn't trained in a while.

Practiced a couple of handstands too. My handstands have gottne a lot better. I have more control with them, as well as more power to get up into them.

From there we made our way the hall of justice. The wall run there, that I used to think was massive, actually isn't that big anymore. It just comes to show how much I have progressed in the past year, as I haven't been there for a while. From there we moved to the top of the stairs, where we played around for a bit. I ended up helping out everyone with their climbups, even given a bit of advice to ruoF. I've found that my climbups have really improved. It may be because of the strength training that I have been doing. Its given me more power to apply to my climbups. I even got some short strength conditioning done. Reverse quadrapedal up a huge stair set. The set was that long, it was the actual size of each individual stair that made it intense.

Then the session slowly came to a close. It was good to get back into trainig. I plan on getting back into a proper rhythm, as I lost it over the last few weeks.

I also bought a pair of Dunlop Volleys today. I want to give them a try, see what all the comotion in sydney is about. We'll have to see how they fair in training.

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