Thursday, August 28, 2008

APA Class - Belconnen

Had class last sunday.

It was the third lesson, so I ran a TAC, as it was my turn to be organiser.

Took the students through a warmup. Got them doing handstands too. I find that it really helps as a final warmup, as well as working out DOMS from previous training. My handstands have gotten a lot better as well. I did the best one I've ever done on sunday too, held it for around 20 seconds.

After the warmup, I took the group up to the library. Just played around there for a bit. I did some more shirtless concrete rolls. They're so good, and have really shown how far I've progressed with my rolls. My left side was also a lot better than when I tried them in sydney. I'm thinking of giving a go of the 50. I consider this to be the test for the quality of basic rolls, if you can do them 50 times in a row, shirtless, on concrete.

From there we made our way to Derro. The guys had talen the class there before, and said it was fine. So I decided to take the class there. Started off at the ramps. It wasn't too bad, until we had water bombs thrown at us from an apartment window, then some thuggish looking guys started hanging around watching us. I moved the class on to the playground, but the suss looking guys followed us. We didn't stay there long.

So we went back to Margaret Timpson park to warmdown, adn that brought us to the end of the lesson.

Eliot ran the First Timers class too. It was the first one. I keen for it to be a regular thing, and will probably take it with Eliot at this coming class.

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