Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Filming + Class

Last sunday, I met up with Eliot to do more filming for my video.

Started at toast at 10. I spent around half an hour, doing a nice long warmup, while I waited for Eliot. When he arrived, we got straight into it. Filmed a few things in toast, mainly the precisions and cat to precisions. I had a bad knee clip on my big cat to precision. It got pretty cut up, but I was still able to get train. I gave a go of Conan's arm jump, but hit it bad and didn't make it. I decided to leave it for another day. Also gave the huge running precision to the top of the stairs a go, but wasn't able to make it.

From there we moved to toast. Tried to do y run, but I bailed it twice. So I decided to film the tic tac to precision, but security rocked up, so we had to move on. The security at customs is really awesome, always sending us off with a smile! Next time I'll have to make sure to get though everything a lot quicker.

From there we made our way to DEWR. I was hoping to be able to do the DEWR arm jump, but could set my mind to it. Trav soon arrived, and we trained around DEWR for a bit. We also did a bit of stuff at veterans park.

From there we drove to Belco for the APA class. ruoF was the organiser. He started out with a warmup, then going into some quick techniques, to get everyone in the groove. From there we went into the games, which were a success. There was a bit of confusion with the management in the end, but it was all sorted out in the end.

After the class, I took Eliot home, so that I could copy the footage we had taken.

Overall it was a good day, and I was definately tired by the end of it.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Had FNC tonight. It ended up only being Larkin and myself. Others were going to show up, but then were busy or couldn't be bothered. I really have to respect Larkin though, for constantly making the effort to train, if though he's only new. If he keeps at it, he will be able to go far.

The program was a lot shorter than expected.

Lazy vaults
Speed vaults
Cat Passes
Cat Pass Pulls
Two Foot Hops

The wall that I was planning on doing climb ups on, was a lot slippery than I thought it would be. Plus I was also extremely tired.

It just comes to show how a break from training, even for only a week and a half, can affect how hard you can train when coming back into it. I'm pretty sure that if I continue my training in the way that I have planned, I will be able to build up my endurance again, then move on to surpass it.

At the end of the session, I took Larkin through half an hour of stretches that I usually do after training. He asked me if I knew of any good websites for stretches, but since I didn't, I just took him through the stretches that I know and apply to my own training.

At the end of the session, we had been training for 3.5 hours, at night and in the cold! This is what self discipline is all about, pushing yourself to train in all conditions. Instead of giving up and taking the soft option.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Muscle Up Training

Went down to my training spot for muscle ups tonight. It was good to go back there.

Did one muscle up, it was a bit better than the ones I was getting in sydney, but stillon arm at a time. But I hurt the palm of my hand a bit, as the bar is actually a wooden plank held sideways. This then put a lot of pressure into my palm. I'm not going to try muscle ups on that bar again, will just practice them at FNC at the playground in Glebe park.

So then I went into my normal routine.

25 Dips
25 Pull Up Negatives
25 Muscle Up Negatives
25 Rope Reverse Push Ups

Afterwards I made the run back home.

I'm thinking of increasing the amount of repetitions in the sets. I'll have to see how it goes.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sydney Trip - Summary

So now I'm back in Canberra. I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be, but my body is pretty tired.

I originally wanted to go to sydney to train with Rhys and Shaun. But still made the trip even though they weren't there. I'm glad that I did make the trip, because I got to meet a lot of new people. Shoutouts to Sino, Sammy, Antek, Robbie and Wizey, for being major influences during the trip. Props to Djordje for making an effort to come to sydney, just for us Canberra guys too!

I've made a lot of new friends, and have training in some of the most awesome spots. Spots that I didn't go to when I was down for NatJam 2006.

Glebe would have to be the best place I have ever trained at. Just because of the huge variety of things for advanced practitioners to do there. Ian Thorpe was another awesome spot. The wharf jump at Pyrmont is another good spot, to be able to test you mental. The undercover spot near Darling Harbour was also good, for the variety of rail work.

I learnt a lot from my trip to Sydney, but it was different learning from what i got from Melbourne. In Melbourne I brought back a lot of the things to start applying in the Canberra scene, especially with changes to MY training. From sydney, I learnt the importance of the changes that I've made to my training. I also saw how much I have progresed from the more intense training that I have been doing. My skill has increased, especially with precisions and ct passes, and my mental is a lot stronger. I'm spending less and less time metally preparing myself, like what I used to do. I'm now doing a lot more physical training than mental training.

I've seen how skilled the Sydney guys are, but I'm not intimidated by it, because I know that if I continue on the path that I have been walking for a few months now, I know that I will get up there with them.

A big thanks to ruoF for coming to sydney with me. It made the trip a lot more enjoyable. We represented Canberra Parkour in Sydney.

I'm going back to sydney in three weeks time, for a Chris Rock concert, and plan on staying for th weekend. I'm keen to go back to Ian Thorpe pool when I'm not exhausted, as well as train at Glebe again.

Any comments are welcome.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sydney Trip - Day 4

Woke up today, still sore like yesterday. I expected this, but knew that a proper warmup would get rid of the DOMS, for the time being.

Met the guys at Town Hall. There were some familiar faces, like Sammy, Antek and Robbie, but there were also others who I hadn't met before.

I also got to get my new parkour pants. They're so comfortable, and I now have something different to wear than camo pants.

From there we moved to a spot close to Darling Harbour. There were sets of rails and ledges, that were really good for cat passes, precisions and arm jumps. This enforces my belief that the most random public spots, like toast, usually tend to be the best for parkour.

I made sure to do a long and proper warm up, to work out my DOMS. This involved a lot of dynamic stretches, then handstands. I've found that handstands help to warm up the body to movement. They especially helped in working out the DOMS.

So I played around for a bit, doing my own thing. Practiced my high cat passes, and found some cat to arms. Then I went over to join Sammy while he was trying to a get a pretty big cat to precision. I gave it a go. I was able to get the cat pass down pretty well, but couldn't get my head around the rail precision. I really have to work on them. So while tying to getthe precision, I realised that I was getting a lot of height out of my cat pass. So I started thinking, why not forget about the precision, and just clear the rail entirely? So I did. To the complete surprise of everyine watching. I don't think that they were expecting that to happen. Instead of the normal "yeah man, that was awesome" I got "WOW! THAT WAS NUTS! DAMN MAN!" This then followed with high fives and congratulations. To sound corny. It felt really good though, to be able to do something that other thought was amazing. I then realsied that I was shaking slightly. It really was a pretty big distance. I then did it two more times, just to enforce that I was able to do it. Sammy then showed me an even bigger cat to precision, which I wasn't able to get, but it is definately something to work towards.

From there we moved to Pyrmont. There we found the broken jetty, that I've seen in so many videos coming out of sydney. Looking at it, I realised that you have to a fair amount of skill and mental to be able to get out to it. It required a lot of mental enforcement to make the standing precision out. I didn't have too much trouble with it, but I saw ruoF really had to work his head around it. He made it though, which is awesome. Then we scratched Canberra Parkour REPRESENT intot he wood, using a stick. The running jump back was a bit tough, I found that I had to mentally prepare a lot more for it, than the standing precision back. But I got it in the end. Then Antek and Sammy started looking at the running precision onto the broken jetty. This is a much bigger distance than the standing precision, and it was also onto a higher point. I looked at it for a few seconds, then did it. It was as simple as that, just doing it. ruoF told me that i made it look easy. Running jumps have always been my thing with parkour. Then I made the standing precision back. Those jumps onto the broken jetty were a real test of mental confidence in ym skill. I'm proud to say that my mental level has really developed. I'm spending less and less time prepping mentally, which then leads me to progress further and further. I've found that I'm training more physically than mentally, trusting my ability and not second guessing myself.

From there we went to teach the class. The class was really small, with only a handful of students. There were a lot of instructors though. Sammy then decided to make it a free training class. No instruction would be initiated. So we did a warmup, then headed up to pyrmont, where the enclosed area is.

During the time we were up there, I helped teach some guys climb ups and rolls. While I was demonstrating, I realised how much my climbups and rolls have improved.

I also talked with a lot of people while we were there.

I talked with some of the Newcastle guys. They're thinking of starting up classes in their area. It's really good to see that people from all across Australia are interested in getting involved in the APA.

I also got a better opportunity to sit down and talk with Sammy and Sino. This was really good, as we got to share thoughts and ideas about training and classes. I find that I learn the most from talking with people.

Then the time came for ruoF and myself to leave. We said our goodbyes, then made the walk back to central station to catch our bus.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sydney Trip - Day 3

Today makes day three of our sydney trip.

I woke up really stiff from the triaining we had done in Glebe yesterday. My body was still pretty tired as well. but we came to sydney to train, so that's what we were going to do.

I'd organised to meet Robbie in Penrith, so we caught the train out there to meet him. We met him at the train station, then met Wizey at the first spot.

Still feeling really sore, I made sure to do a proper warm up, and just start small. Did a few handstands to get my body working again. Then got straight into it.

Did some good cat to precisions, then found some wall runs. The DOMS disappeared pretty quickly.

Then moved on to various movements, looking at a few different spots.

I think that it was Robbie's main training area, so you was pretty skilled in them.

I was lucky enough to do something new at his playground though. I found a good cat to underbar, that he hadn't thought of doing before. It just comes to show how much a fresh set of eyes can help to improve ideas in your local spots.

I was also able to get an arm jump out of a tree, that nobody had done before, but that Robbie had looked at.

Overall today was a good session. it was a lot lighter than yesterday, but was still pretty good.

Now I'm going to go back up to my room to stretch, as i know that I will be sore tomorrow. That won't stop me from training though.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sydney Trip - Day 2

Today was Glebe with Sino and a few others.

Woke up at 9.30. Changed, had breakfast, and took a really short bus ride to Glebe. We should have just walked there, it was that close!

Met with Sino at 11. He took us to the Glebe housing complex, with makes the Glebe parkour spot. It is such a good spot, there is so much stuff to do there. A lot of it though, is for more advanced practitioners. I'm lucky that my skill level is up there to be able to train there.

We met up with Sammy and Antek. Did a bit of a warm up, then Djordje arrived. That was a good suprise. Djordje hasn't trained much lately though. He's been busy doing other stuff. he came down to meet us Canberra guys, which was good.

There is so much to do at Glebe. You'll train in one spot for an hour, then keep walking through the complex to find another spot where you can spend and hour at. We did this for about 4 hours, which just shows how much stuff there is to do at Glebe. We also met Michael and Charlie while at Glebe.

Training at the housing complex, I've found that my precisions have gotten a lot better. I'm able to get a lot more distance, and much nicer landings. ruoF showed me a technique to be able to add more force into my jump, using my arms. I think it was something that Benji tried to show me in melbourne, but I didn't really understand it at the time. ruoF actually got it from benji, but the way he explained it to me, just seemed easier to understand and apply. I'm also committing a lot more to my movements. I had one moment that really messed around with me mentally, but I was able to overcome it.

We were also met by police. They were just checking that we weren't up to any trouble. I explained to them that we were doing parkour, explaining what parkour was. I used Casino Royale as a reference. They kind of seemed to understand what we were doing, and that we were up to any trouble, so they left us.

I also had a pretty big clip at Glebe. I banged my knee pretty hard, but was able to power through the cat pass, as if it handed affected me. From there i sat down top rest it though, as it did feel a bit painful, bring up a bit of bruising.

From there we had lunch at Asian King, then went to a playground to play around a bit. The others were doing some tricking, so I worked on other stuff. I've found that my handstands have suddenly gotten pretty good. I'm able to hold them for a few seconds. Here's even better news though. I was able to do a muscle up. A MUSCLE UP! NOT ONE BUT THREE!!! They were pretty dodgy, but i can do them now. All that's left is progression with them.

From there we made our way to some rails, did a bot of work around there. My standing cut passes on height have gotten a lot better. i can do close to shoulder height now. It's all about the power in the arms, and the core strength to tuck with the legs.

After that we made our way to the Ian Thorpe Pool. That's where the guys do those massive cat to arms over a high stairwell.

I didn't really feel up to doing the cat to arm, but there was so much more to do there. There were a lot of arm jumps, precisions, and arm to arms to dop as well. There's even a huge wall run that I wasn't able to get. I was close though.

After that, everyone went their separate ways.

I learnt a lot today, not just about myself but about the others guys in the national scene. I've gotten to know Sammy a lot better. Now I know that he was one of the first guys in sydney, and has been training for nearly four years, like me. It definately showed today. I got to see how chilled Sino was, and how far Antek has progressed in a short time of training. Sure, i haven't gotten to train with the other main guys like Rhys and Shaun, but I have gotten the chance to meet others in the Sydney scene.

It should be good to see what happens tomorrow.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sydney Trip - Day 1

Arrived in sydney at about 12. Checked into the YHA, then wastedb time walking around the city, while I waited for ruoF to arrive. Did a bit of shopping, that was about it.

Bought B13 on DVD too.

Finally ruoF arrived a few hours later. We walked through the city a bit, got some dinner, then decided to do some training.

Went back to the YHA to get changed, then made our way to darling harbour to do a bit of training. Tried a wall run outside the YHA, then did a really bad landing coming back down. I landed on my heels and fell over backwards. It was so stupid!

From there we made uor way down to Darling Harbour. It wasn't as packed as I thought it would be.

We were doing a bit of a warmup, when this guy walked past. He asked us if we knew Cross Fit. I did as Conan is interested in it. He talked about how parkour was involved a bit in it. It's good to see how parkour is getting involved in a lot more things.

From there we did a bit of light training in different areas around Darling Harbour.

On our way back, some guy saw our Australia Parkour shirts, and got us to show him some stuff. This was pretty fun. We showed him a couple of vaults, and talked to him a bit about parkour.

From there, we got changed and made our way back to Darling Harbour to find a club.

On the way we found some guys who looked like they were trying to do precisions across a small bit of water. On closer inspection by ruoF, they were.

We ended up spending a while with them. Talking to them about parkour, teaching them how to do a couple of movements. One of them picked up precisions really well. He was from New Zealand, and new Barnz. They might be coming to the class here in sydney on sunday. It will be interesting to see whether they actually make it.

And that finished the parkour for the day. We were pretty sore and tired, but looking to some good training in the next few days.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Canberra Tourism Commercial Pt 6


Did some more filming for the commercial. I think it was the last of it.

All I did was walk down the street, in a different outfit to my gangsta outfit. I just walked down the street with a couple of girls (that were pretty hot!) behind me. It was a scene for the end of the coomercial.

Josh then did a couple of cat passes over a rail. Che's plan was to set it up like Josh was cat passing off a balcony, which is his beginning bit.

The commercial has been really fun to make. It should look like a really good piece when it's finished. I can't wait to see it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Civic Training

Didn't do any training yesterday.

I was studying for most of the day, for an exam that I had later in the afternoon.

After the exam I was out for the night celebrating my birthday. I'm not a teenager anymore, hitting the big 2-0.

Tonight I went out to train in civic. Brought along a work friend, who's interested in learning parkour. I'm thinking of making a small group of work friends, to teach parkour to. They will be my parkour disciples.

Met with Conan at noise wall. Did a few dynamic stretches, then moved on to toast.

Did a few things at toast, then Trav arrived. Kept training around toast. Did those massive precisions again. Man they're awesome. Then started doing some awesome cat to precisions. Conan showed me one that Rhys had found. I sized it up, then did it. Did it a few more times afterwards, to enforce that I could do it. Then for some reason, I moved to the opposite side of toast, and found a small cat to precision to do, which then lead on to finding a HUGE cat to precision. One that you have to power through the cat pass in order to make the distance for the precision. From there moved further around toast, to my big arm jump, and found another cat to precision. It was awesome. I've really gotten them down pat.

From there we made our way to customs. Trav wasn't too keen on getting kicked out, so we moved to the down stairs area of customs. Found a really big tic tac to arm, one that is just too big for us at the moment. So we started practicing climb ups. It's a really good spot to practice climb ups without having a bar or over grip for support. my climb ups have definately improved. I'm not able to have more power into the pull up, getting a better transition of hand placement, which then helps the dip movement. I just need to work on getting the transition even better, but I've definately made a lot more progression with my climb ups.

Made our way to DEWR. That's where ruoF met us. I looked at the arm jump, once again realised how big it was, then moved on. Conan found a cool arm jump to do, and Trav found a cat to arm. Conan then started doing some really stupid movements, of close dropping arms and weird cat to arms. They were so weird! I got a laugh out of doing them.

From there, Trav headed off, and we made our way back to toast, so that ruoF could do some stuff there. Conan soon left, so then it was only a small group of us at toast. I showed ruoF the massive cat to precisions I'd done. Then kind of just warmed down.

Grabbed some dinner at that new mexican joint, then headed home.

All in all it was a good session. Did a few big things, found some new things, but didn't push my body to it's limit. That's what FNC is for!

So I haven't stuck to my plan of training every day for 5 weeks. But I have learnt a lot from the amount of training that I have done recently. I now know that it actually isn't that hard to train every day. If you have any spare time, there is no excuse for not training. on study days, i can go and do some muscle up training, as it only takes an hour out of my time.

So here's my training plan for once academics start up again.

Monday - basketball training
Tuesday - muscle up training
Wednesday - basketball game
Thursday - muscle up training
Friday - FNC
Saturday - afternoon/night training
Sunday - APA class

The great thing about parkour, is that it's really flexible. I can do it whenever and wherever. it's just about making the effort to get out and train, no matter what the weather is like outside, or what physical condition you are in.

If you make the effort, it pays back.

"Train for yourself, not for others" is a motto that if kind of been training by since I got back from Melbourne. I've realised that if I want to go out and train, it shouldn't matter if nobody is going to come, I can just go solo. If i want to train in a certain way, then I should just do it. It shouldn't matter if others don't want to train that way, or can't make that session. One prime example is me starting the new FNC. So far not many people have showed up to it, but I know how much it has helped my progression, so I'm going to keep on doing it. I've already gone through the test of doing it solo in the cold and at night, so i know that there really isn't anything holding me back from it.

I'm really liking what my training has moulded into, and I can already see the progression. I LOVE IT!