Monday, July 21, 2008

Sydney Trip - Summary

So now I'm back in Canberra. I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be, but my body is pretty tired.

I originally wanted to go to sydney to train with Rhys and Shaun. But still made the trip even though they weren't there. I'm glad that I did make the trip, because I got to meet a lot of new people. Shoutouts to Sino, Sammy, Antek, Robbie and Wizey, for being major influences during the trip. Props to Djordje for making an effort to come to sydney, just for us Canberra guys too!

I've made a lot of new friends, and have training in some of the most awesome spots. Spots that I didn't go to when I was down for NatJam 2006.

Glebe would have to be the best place I have ever trained at. Just because of the huge variety of things for advanced practitioners to do there. Ian Thorpe was another awesome spot. The wharf jump at Pyrmont is another good spot, to be able to test you mental. The undercover spot near Darling Harbour was also good, for the variety of rail work.

I learnt a lot from my trip to Sydney, but it was different learning from what i got from Melbourne. In Melbourne I brought back a lot of the things to start applying in the Canberra scene, especially with changes to MY training. From sydney, I learnt the importance of the changes that I've made to my training. I also saw how much I have progresed from the more intense training that I have been doing. My skill has increased, especially with precisions and ct passes, and my mental is a lot stronger. I'm spending less and less time metally preparing myself, like what I used to do. I'm now doing a lot more physical training than mental training.

I've seen how skilled the Sydney guys are, but I'm not intimidated by it, because I know that if I continue on the path that I have been walking for a few months now, I know that I will get up there with them.

A big thanks to ruoF for coming to sydney with me. It made the trip a lot more enjoyable. We represented Canberra Parkour in Sydney.

I'm going back to sydney in three weeks time, for a Chris Rock concert, and plan on staying for th weekend. I'm keen to go back to Ian Thorpe pool when I'm not exhausted, as well as train at Glebe again.

Any comments are welcome.


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