Monday, March 10, 2008

Civic Training + Chippa

Chippa and Alex were in Canberra today, on their way back from Bathurst where they were part of an extreme sports festival.

We hit up a few spots, and got to do some good training. I had a close call with a cash over two bins. My hand slipped out of the dash and I fell on my ass. Luckily one of my feet hit the ground first, reducing the impact.

What I got most out of the day was being able to talk with Chippa. About parkour, the APA and the military. He wasn't really training much, due to exhaustion from the festival, but just being able to talk to him was helpful.

He talked to me about developing more leadership skills within the instructors. So im going to start throwing the guys into the deep end, putting them in charge of different parts of the lesson. Starting with giving a technique each to a instructor, then conditioning to another, warm ups and warm downs to others. Just building on different things.

Chippa also gave me the idea of running instructor training days, maybe once a month. Where we spend the whole day drilling movements, teaching each other and providing advice afterwards. This will then develop our skills as instructors, as well as standardise how we teach techniques.

Overall it was good having Chippa down, mainly because I got to catch up with him and just talk about different things.

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