Monday, March 3, 2008

Erindale Gym + Civic

Last thursday i went to erindale gym instead of holder, to check it and meet up with some of the other guys there. Worked on a few different things. The one problem was that the session only went for an hour. Which is why I am going to stick with Holder gym, as the sessions go for 1.5 hours for the same cost. I also plan on training at holder gym on tuesdays as well as thursdays. I find that I get a lot out of gym sessions, as I am constantly training. This is why I going to start going twice a week.

Last sunday I met up with Travis in civic for some training. Ive just been hit with a cold, so its been affecting my performance. It was only a short session, hitting up toast then noise wall. Then we moved on to the stairs outside the Canberra Theatre for some conditioning. In the end I was pretty exhausted, especially thanks to my cold.

Im hoping to start a more regular weekly training program. Basketball on mondays and wednesdays. Holder gym parkour on tuesdays and thursdays. FNC on fridays. Then parkour training on saturdays and APA class on sundays, maybe with some training afterwards.

I'll have to fine tune the program a bit, to accomodate for rest and such.

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