Monday, September 24, 2007

Parkour Week Day 1 - First of Many to Come

Went out for some solo training today. It felt weird drilling basics by myslef with randoms walking past. The session only lasted for about 45 minutes, with nothing too serious or extensive. I'm slowly building up to the bigger stuff.

My cold has been heaps annoying, with coughing fits and getting tired quickly.

I did some more training back at home. This mainly focused on rolls and precisions.

I even tried some rolls on concrete. This was the first time I had ever tried this, as I have always been scared that they would hurt heaps. I now know that there wasn't that much to worry about. Sure they hurt a bit, but they weren't as painful as I thought they would be. They're also help in directly teaching me on where my rolls need to be improved, as in which parts of my roll I need yo change. This was done through the areas that hurt being the ones I need to change.

My precisions are getting better than what they used to be. Im reaching a distance of 9 of my feet, from a slightly elevated height. I can already feel the DOMS building up in my abs. Im also sticking my precisions better. I slipped out on the last one but managed to catch myself before falling.

We've been approached by a corporation who want us to run a private class for them on thursday. Of course we accepted. It looks like it might only be Conan and me teaching, as Josh works full time, but I'll have to check with him.

Parkour has really had a boom since it was shown on 60 minutes. The segment by 60 minutes wasn't that great, but it did help in bringing Australia to the awareness of Parkour. There has been a largew influx of noobs. So far I've only experienced it on the forums, but I heard that the last Melbourne class had 95 people attend, as opposed to the usual 25. I wonder if the same will be for us for our class on monday.

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