Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Parkour Week Day 2 - Civic Training with Conan

Met up with Conan today during his break from uni.

Trained a bit in civic, mainly toast. Found a new cat-pass to arm-jump at toast to wrok up towards. It will require a reasonable amount of distance gained from the cat-pass.

Worked on precisions as well. Working on landing on the balls of my feet, and improving sticking my landings. My distances still need to be worked on. So far I can only get 9 feet. I'm keen to try rail precisions, but only where I can do them safely first. Such as if the raisl were at ground level, so that if I missed, I would land straight on flat ground. Conan said there's a spot that we can do this, I'll have to get him to show me.

Checked out the ramps outside the Canberra Theatre. They weren't as interesting as I thought. The tops of the ledges were really smooth. Found a good block next to it. Was a bit above shoulder height. We were able to drill pop monkey-plants and foot-trials on it.

Conan then showed me the set of ramps near the bus interchange. They looked really good, but it was outside a restaurant, which meant there were a lot of people around. I'll have to check it out on a weekend.

Today was day 2 of my mega parkour week. It hasn't been as "mega" as I planned, as in the sessions have been pretty short, but I have trained 2 for 2 days now. I hope to do at least half an hour of training every day until I go back to uni. Lets see what happens.

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