Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Canberra Tourism Commercial Pt 5


We did more filming for the commercial. This time it was Josh and my intro scenes. Josh falls into an alley where im "writing" on a wall, then I chase after him. Something nice and simple.

Later on I hope to add a car scene to it, where Josh cat-passes the hood (or some kind of vault/jump) and I dash the roof (if i can). it would look pretty awesome.

After that we went back to Che office to watch what he's already got. We got to see Conan's face smash at the green screen shoot in slow motion, which looked pretty bad. We also got to see how everything is coming together. I now know that we aren't the sole focus in the commercial, there are also some dance bits as well as runner bits.

From there ruoF, Josh and I went to do some light training at ANU. We trained a bit at the Family Courts, which I now realise how much of a good spot it is. I have to go back there more often. I did a few cat pass to precisions there, and was getting the precisions really silent, which is good.

From there we just trained around ANU at different spots. My precisions are getting better. I think I've increased their distance a bit since my melbourne trip. I'm committing more to making the jump. My wall spins are also pretty nice, I've deffinately gotten more confidence with them, as well as skill. I'm thinking i should try them on a proper wall again, but this time be able to keep on doing them.

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