Sunday, May 4, 2008

Melbourne Trip - Day 2

Starting with a 0830 wakeup. Got changed, had breakfast, then headed off to the arts for more Trace Elements rehearsel.

I stayed there for a bit then ran with Nippon to the library, where we met more of the instructors. From there we ran to southbank where we had the instructor training session, which lasted for two hours. It was really just a training session to do whatever you wanted along southbank. I also met with Ruzkin, so it was good to train with him again. I was so close to getting huge foot trials on the walls along southbank. I also wortked on precisions, vaults, climbups, wall runs and other different things. I even got the upside down under the bridge climb. It was as scary as I thought it was going to be.

There was also a lot of blood appear at the instrcuor training. Benji sliced his knee when climbing under a wodden bridge piece. Ruzkin cut up his hand from arm jumps. And another younger guy cut his hand when he fell into the river when nearly finishing the under the bridge climb.

From there we had lunch and moved on to teach the class. it was good to see how the Melbourne guys run their class. Seeing new things that i can bring back to the classes here in Canberra, as well as the similarities between classes.

We did the normal warmup of running and dynamic stretches. Then moved on to rolls and quadrapedal. From there the group was split into two. I went with Ruzkin's group were we went to the rocks to work on precisions and pop vaults. We also did a small amount of conditioning up this HUGE stair case. It's probably twice the amount of stair as the staris near the Canberra Theatre, with stairs that are thicker too. After that we went back to the waves to warmdown. Overall the class was really good, with a lot of participants.

What I want to take from it is to have a first timers class, where we talk to them about parkour, give an introduction to it. I also want to start using the wristbands, as they are a lot easier than having a sign in sheet. I'll just have to make sure to count the numbers for when I record them later on.

Afterwards I went back to the Arts House top watch the Trace Elements guys some more. We got to play a bit on the scaffolding, and I've now come to truly realise how much bars give you bad callouses. I did a bit of bboying too, just showing off and having fun, as well as watched the guys practice some massive stunts that they will be doing in the show. The show should be really good. I'm going to be seeing it tomorrow night, so it should be really awesome.

Since the Trace Elements guys will just be rehearsing more tomorrow, I'm thinking that I might go for some solo training around Melbourne. Do some exploring and see what I can find.

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