Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Melbourne Trip - Day 4

Woke up at 9am. had a shower and stuff because I hadn't had one the night before, I just got back too late. I spent a bit of time on the net, had breakfast, then we headed off.

i went with Chippa to the Melbourne Museum, that has an awesome playground outside it. We spent a lot of the time talking about different things. I got him to try and help me with my climb ups. I now know that I have a long way to go ebfore I have them down perfect. I have to practice the pendulum motion that Chippa told me about, that way slippery walls/shoes won't ever be an issue. I can do climb ups on grippy walls, but slippery walls are the truew test.

My elbow was starting to hurt again, it seems that pulling movements set it off. I'll have to refrain from pulling movements from now on, until it's better.

From there we moved around the museum to the old monoliths, where we worked on precisions, cat passes and rolls. I got a good cat pass to precision that Chippa showed me. My rolls are also starting to improve. I still need to pick up the right techqniue for my right side, as in coming off the middle side of my back, instead of the hip. I have this technique down pat for my left side, because I'm only now starting to properly train rolls on my left side, and I'm doing it with the right technique, as opposed to trying to break old habits with my right side. I just ned to practice the coordination with the left side. I'm also starting to get comfortable with rolls of height, as in the impact is starting to feel less and less.

From there we made our way to Town Hall to meet with the rest of the Trace Elements guys. I hung around with them for a few hours, then made my way off into the suburbs at 5.30pm.

The plan was to meet up with Sam and a couple of the other melbourne traceurs. I started walking into the city to catch a train, but then realzsied that I should run it. I want to try and bring more running into the Canberra scene, as I know that it is definately an area that I need to improve on, as well as with some of the other guys. So I was running down this one street, that I thought would lead me to the state library and central station. After a while I found myself at the Melbourne Museum, and realised that I had been running down the wrong street. After a few calls and asking a few people on the street, I was finally at central station, on a train into the suburbs.

I met up with Sam and we went off to do some night training in the wet. It had just been raining, so it was still wet. I originally backed down, but got convined to go out and train. Sam took me to a few goods spots around his area. There were some good walls in an alley, as well as an awesome rail set with a lot of growing potentioal. There were some good ledges around the corner from this, where we did arm jumps, and I found a good lunging run that finished with a cat pass, something that Sam hadn't thought of before. It's always good to have new people train in your area, because they think of different things to do, that you would have never have thought of. From there we went ofr a run to a park, where there were some good playground and rail work.

After that I made my way back to Chippa's place. Running off the directions that Sam had told me. I got a bit lost but this was soon remedied by a quick call to Chippa.

Tomorrow I plan on meeting up with Sam again, to do some training in the city. We plan on starting at 2, then going on into the night. I might even be able to get some 1on1 training with Chippa again in the morning. My elbow is still playing up, hopefully it will be fixed by the morning, but I will still have to keep away from climb ups adn arm jumps, as I don't want to amplify this realy weird injury.

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