Sunday, June 15, 2008

Extreme Training Weekend Day 1

DAY 1 - Fri 13 Jun 08


1830 - 2230

This was the second session of my new FNC. I was originally thinking that I wouldn't be tooo much, due to my knee injury. I found that starting out though, my knee was giving me too much trouble, so I did the proper training session. I had previously made a program for FNCs, something to start with as a basis then improve on it from there. I've found that after testing it out, I've cut down a bit of the strength conditioning, as those areas have already been focussed on to a great extent. Below is the program that I did, and will most likely stick to for future FNCs.


Noise Wall:
- dynamic stretches

Techniques Conditioning

Noise Wall:
- 40 lazy vaults (10 each side, each take off foot)
- 40 speed vaults (10 each side, each take off foot)
- 40 cat passes (20 each take off foot)

Glebe Park:
- 100 rolls (50 each side) (2 pulls up & 5 dips / 10 rolls)

- 100 precisions

- 40 arm jumps + climbup
- 40 turn vaults (20 each side)
- (ie. arm jump - climb up - turn vault down)

Bus Depot:
- 600 m balance
- 150 m cat balance

Strength Conditioning


- quadrupedal walking down backwards
- quadrupedal walking up forwards
- quadrupedal walking down forwards
- quadrupedal walking up backwards
- quadrupedal walking down pushup style

Lower + Upper Body
- 20 dips at bottom
- 2 foot (up 3 down 2)
- 20 situps at top
- 20 pushups at bottom
- left foot only (up 2 down 1)
- 20 leg raise sets at top
- 20 diamonds at bottom
- right foot only (up 2 down 1)
- 20 crunches at top
- 20 double width pushups at bottom
- 20 reverse push ups

Upper Body (if partner available)
- wheelbarrow walking
- fireman carry
- wheelbarrow pushups


- static stretching

At the end of this session I was so exhausted. I definately found it hard to motivate and push myself. The conditions were the main factor. It was cold, I was tired, and I was training by myself. I found that it was a real test of my character and self-discipline.

It will be interesting if people start coming, I'm expecting some people to give it a go. It will be ever more interesting to see if people who do give it a try will keep coming. It will be interesting to see if people can pass the test of training to exhaustion in poor conditions, as it cold and wet weather.

By the end of the session, I had been training for about 4 hours, 4 hours solo training. I know that I learnt a lot from that session. Especially about pushing yourself, keep on going and not letting yourself take the easy way out and give up.

I found that cat balance the hardest. Cat balance is just hard in general, but add the cold of the rail biting into your hands, as well as exhaustion eating into you! That was the hardest time, just being able to make myself get back onto the rail and keep on going, when I was hurting and exhausted.

1 comment:

BoD said...

Hey Cimp

1 question and 1 comment thingy

With your speed vaults, in sydney we always teach it should always be left hand & left foot OR right hand and right foot

never right hand left foot, i just wanted to hear your input on this seeing as you do it with both.

Im adopting this FNC thingy that you stole from melbourne cos i think its a great idea :D