Sunday, June 15, 2008

Extreme Training Weekend Day 3

DAY 3 - Sun 15 Jun 08


Civic Training
1200 - 1530

The session started at 10am, but I arrived late as there was a chruch service I had to go to in the morning.

I met the guys near the block run.

We moved up to the trees where i did a bit of a warmup, then for some reason did a few wall spins with Eliot. I was still feeling sore from FNC tha was two days ago. It really shows how hard Ive made the new FNC, which is good as I know that my body will slowly adapt to recovery and that it will help my progression dramatically.

From there we decided to make our way to the Fisheries, but it took us about 2 hours to get there.

I found a fountain at the Hall of Justice. The fountain had small pillars, about 1 ft high and 7cms in diameter. They were spread about 1 metre apart in a five meter square area. They really helped in balance training. I know that Eliot and myself had an awesome time on there. Larkin and Connor did look like they were having as much fun though, I think they got bored of it pretty quickly. With experience they will soon come to learn about the simpler things, and how much they can help inprogression.

From there we moved down to the ramp where Ruz did the cat to arm for Stateline. Eliot decided to give it a go. At first I wasn't that keen, but after watching Eliot try it, I decided to join in. As soon as i started training, I found that my stiffness was starting to go away. I got the cat to arm on my second attempt. I foudn that the more speed I had coming into the cat, the more distance and force I could get into the wall, which I found greatly assisted making the arm. My plan is to work towards getting the cat to precision in the same spot. I'll have to work really hard in getting a lot of power into the height and distance out of the cat pass.

From there we moved to put our stuff in my car, but found another spot, which was really good for practicing arm jumps off a small ledge onto a pretty grippy wall. i was able to make it standing, which then lead me to finding out that I have pretty good climbups when I have good grip with my feet. When the wall is slippery I tend to slip down it, losing a lot of my momentum. I ahve to practice the pendulum movement that Chippa taught me to help with climbups. I also got a good running arm jump, where I got a lot of height out of to greatly assist in the smooth transition into the climbup, landing straight into the dip position as opposed to the pull up position.

From there we put the stuff in the car, then found a sloped wall that we practiced running up. Trying to use as little steps as possible.

Form there I foudn another arm jump, that involved climbing up onto a wall with a pretty big drop behind it. I used Connor to keep my balance. The wall that i was arm jumping to was made of smooth polished marble, so I of course slipped straight down it when I feet made contact.

From there we found a tree that we thought had potential, but in the end it bark was too crumbly and the branches were too thick.

We finally made it to the fisheries. Walked around a bit. Eliot showed me a good cat to arm, but I wasn't too keen on it as the wall that you had to cat off was really dusty and slippery. Eliot then showed me a good cat to precision, that you could slowly progress in distance. From there we found an alley type thing, that had a really good arm to arm area. It had potential for a cat to arm, but I found the wall was too low for me to properly cat off. I thing that I may be able to reverse to arm it though, so I'll have to go back later on and check it out. I could do a reverse to arm to arm to climb up to precision for my video. Have some solid movement type footage, which should look good.

From there we finished up, heading into the city to grab some late lunch. After that we all went our separate ways.

In the end I had a really good session. I DOMS aren't feeling that bad anymore, and I feel like I've done some really good training.

This intense training weekend has been great. There wasn't as much interest as I thought there would be, but I know that I had fun. I finally got to properly test out my program for FNC, and have settled on something that I am happy with. I plan on doing it every friday night, as I know that it will definately help my progression in a big way.

The training sessions on saturday and sunday were good. They were just like the old days where we would walk around looking for places to training. Finding heaps of things to do in even the smallest areas.

For the next 5 weeks, I have a pretty small stress load from work and uni, in that I can have a lot of spare time. Starting with last FNC, I plan on training in some form everyday. This will mainly involve parkour training, but will sometimes involve basketball training and games. If I stick to my plan I know that I will progress greatly in my fitness, strength and skill in general. Now its the test of sticking to my plan. Lets see how it goes.

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