Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Muscle Up Training

Did a short 45 minute session today, focussing on muscle up training and running training.

Ran down to an outdoor training area. Was about a 1 to 2 km run. Downhill though.

Here is the program:
5 dips
2 pull ups
5 negatives
300m sprint

I did 5 sets of that program. I was pretty tired by the end of it. I found that my negatives need work. I'm not controlling them enough, ending up dropping out of them too quickly. My pullups need work like always. My sprints are getting better though. I felt like I was getting a lot of push out of it.

After that I ran back home, this time it was uphill. It was a pretty slow run, as I was already tired from the training.

Before training, I was having second thoughts, but I'm glad I went out. So far I'm sticking to my plan of doing some sort of training everyday.

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