Monday, June 30, 2008

Muscle Up Training

Just did some more muscle up training.

25 dips
25 pull up negatives
25 muscle up negatives
25 rope reverse pushups

Tonights session had an extra bonus, RAIN! Man it was intense. It was pretty much raining the whole time I trained. Building up and slowing down. Huge gusts of wind would also come through every now and then. It felt good to be out there, as I knew that it was really showing my dedication to my training.

Started off with trying a muscle up. Only got one elbow part of the way up. I also had to use a bit of a kip. The bar I'm using to train on isn't the best for muscle ups though, its actually a wooden plank held up on its side.

I couldn't really get the pull ups, so I instead did pull up negatives. I found that it really worked my biceps, which I'm pretty sure play a major role in pulling strength.

I've found that my muscle up negatives are getting better. Eliot gave me the advice of switching the hands, not the whole arm. This helped in reducing the speed of my drop. Hopefully I will be able to build up to getting them more controlled.

Anyway, the training was good. And I'm still sticking to it, training every day!

Any comments are welcome.


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